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Image by Erol Ahmed fibonacci spiral yoga

Greenleaf Studio

Helping people discover their innate wellbeing

Welcome to a studio unlike most yoga studios, a place you can feel at home and accepted, yet experience real positive change ~ be it emotional, physical or spiritual through our three core trunks emphasizing Mind, Body & Spirit.  Greenleaf is a nest to grow in and branch out from to help you cope with stress and overwhelm, heal from injury and illness, and become stronger, more resilient. And because we understand that feeling well is experienced both in mind and body, we take a balanced approach through guided meditation, mindfulness, guided relaxation, yoga that is suited for every body and self-hypnosis offered both privately and in group classes. 


Because I've never been one who  felt comfortable or well-served at massive universities, impersonal mega churches, big-box fitness centers or in corporate culture, I created Greenleaf as an intimate respite in a hectic world. It is a welcoming community for people of all walks of life no matter one's size, shape, physical or emotional challenge.  No intimidation factor here or way out esoteric experience.  So be it in person, indoor or out or from the comfort of your home via Zoom, I'm here to support you in your well-being goals.


 Register Now and ease into making lasting positive change! Summertime classes begin the week of Monday, June 3 thru July 5, 2024, and Monday, July 15 thru Friday, August 23, 2024,  helping you to turn a new leaf!  NO WORRIES, if you missed the start date; classes can be started later at a prorated fee. Email now to launch your wellness goals  Join now, space is reserved for  no more than eight students. Check Greenleaf's array of classes under options under: Class Programs & Descriptions and register to deepen your resilience of mind, body and spirit


This summer classes all have the underpinnings of the wisdom of raja yoga or ashtanga yoga, meaning eight-fold path or eight limbs of yoga. And there's a reason this approach has been around for thousands of years, helping practitioners not only physically, but energetically and mentally/emotionally. Curious what raja/ashtanga yoga is all about and how it can help you?  Classes and private sessions help us to set our compasses on True North to what our true needs are and how to shift our thinking ~ which is the access point to any positive shift be it physical, mental or emotional~  it all begins with the mind.


By learning fresh, novel methods of mindfulness and reframing experiences, we can release negative patterns within our subconscious, being left renewed! As well, by creating new, healthy physical patterns of movement we create and strengthen new neural patterns and positively modify the brain. Yoga literally changes the brain for the better!

 Signup now, for a fresh new way of living! 



Sending bright new illuminations on how to live balanced~

Peace and Wellbeing ~Pamela


Pamela O'Brien, CYT, CH


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Curious? Looking for answers

We all have stumbling blocks which get in our way of asking for help. I understand it takes a lot of courage, that may have been building out of frustration, pain, or fear.  I myself have been there ~ searching for answers, just like you are, and boy am I grateful I found yoga some 30 years ago. I encourage you to take the first step toward greater emotional and physical health, and contact me with your questions in the form below.


 And, just like you, I am loaded to the gills with unnecessary emails, so I promise to never sell your information, or send you gazillions of marketing emails. But I would love to add you to my newsletter list below if you 'Subscribe." 


E-newsletters only arrives about 10  times a year, to keep you abreast of the latest wellness workshops, events, and classes which change about 8 times a year. These newsletters are fun, quirky and informative; I know you'll enjoy them. :)

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